Burton City Raspberry Cider
Reviewed on July 8, 2022
I love a good road trip. So, on the Canada Day weekend, I decided to pack up my campervan and head west to visit Burton City Cidery in the West Kootenay Valley. I wanted to meet up with 2 transplanted Calgarians, Barbara and Alan Ross, who started Burton City Cidery. What started off as a vacation property has turned into a full-time business. When they started in 2016, Burton City was the 7th cidery in BC. Now there are over 40.
Burton, is an old gold mining town, named after Arthur Burton, who provided housing to the miners. The original townsite was flooded in the 1960s with the building of the Keenleyside Dam. These days, with a population of 240 people, it is more of a village than a city!
All of the fruit in their cider is BC grown. A good portion is grown in the adjacent orchard next to the cidery. Most of the raspberries come from the Fraser Valley. The aromas of their raspberry cider reminds me of standing in an orchard in the spring! This is a dry cider with flavours of crisp apples and tart raspberries. It is super refreshing.
Region - Burton, B.C., Canada
Photo below - owners Barbara and Alan Ross
Find it here
Burton City Cidery is in the West Kootenay Valley. Follow highway 6 towards the village of Burton. It’s about a half hour south of the town of Nakusp. On July 1st the town of Nakusp has a fantastic old time parade. I highly recommend going to see it.