Kilkenny Irish Cream Ale
Reviewed on March 17, 2023
Happy St. Paddy’s Day! Forget the green food colouring. I’d rather pop open a can of Kilkenny Irish Cream Ale. In my books, it ranks up there with Guinness Stout and Harp Lager. Like Guinness it has a nitro ball inside the can called a widget. It is a clever invention that replicates the creamy head of a draught Kilkenny. That is why it is vital to pour this beer into a glass. Unlike other beers, you will want to turn the can fully upside down to enable the widget to work its magic. If you don’t the beer may taste flat. It is beautiful to watch when it is poured in the glass. Look how it begins to settle from the bottom up to the top. On the palate it is creamy, smooth and easy drinking. At 4.3%, it is light bodied and I can see why it would be easy to have 1,2 and even 3.
Find it here
Pick up a 4 pack at your local liquor store. This Irish beer should be easy to find. Look for it in the fridge beside Guinness stout.